WP Engine is a progressive software company, built to serve their community through a strong set of shared core values: growth, ingenuity, people, and collaboration. Like any engine, made of various parts working together to turn power into motion, WP Engine recognizes the key to success in growth and ingenuity starts with its people and their collaboration. Fostering this spirit of community across four different floors cohesively, was the driving challenge behind the design.

  • Repetition of flooring and ceiling material created a harmonious foundation in every suite.
  • The spatial organization supports various workstyles while also accommodating future growth.
  • Striking lines and bright, contrasting colors serves to create movement and aid in wayfinding.

WP Engine’s favorite space is their ‘Town Hall’. When not hosting staff meetings, the Town Hall transforms into a central area where  staff can congregate, share ideas and inspire one another.

Location, Austin, Texas 2021 

Scope, 4-Story Interior Renovation, 45,790 s.f.
Services, Interior Design
Program, Reception, Open & Private Offices, Break Room, Phone Rooms, Conference Rooms, Wellness, Town Hall

Client, WP Engine
Team, Megan Moshier, Megan Rangel