JUST™ – Creating a more socially just and equitable world
Studio8 becomes the first company in Texas to receive a JUST™ label
It brings us great pride to announce we are the first firm in Texas to receive the International Living Future Institute’s™ JUST™ label, leading our industry and community into a new era of corporate transparency.
The JUST™ program provides organizations with a ‘nutrition label’, if you will, revealing their practices and values on employee well-being and benefits, equity & diversity, operations and community investments.
Companies are measured in the following six categories and can earn as high as a three-star level rating:
- Diversity
- Equity
- Safety
- Worker Benefit
- Local Benefit
- Stewardship
These six broad categories include a variety of sub categories ranging from Worker Happiness to Responsible Investing . Here are a few highlights from our label.
Worker Happiness: Score 3/3
We are committed to creating, maintaining, and supporting a positive work environment that is conducive to and fosters worker happiness and job satisfaction. We are concerned about our employees and their families and we strive to create an appropriate work-life balance and provide workplaces where our employees are happy.
Transparency: Score 3/3
We are committed to being ethically transparent in all aspects of our operation. We support a voluntary, full disclosure policy and provide ongoing open access and communication to internal and external audiences on important organizational information. This information includes our purpose, goals, governance structure, environmental impacts, ingredients used in manufacturing and our involvement in social, political and environmental causes.
Charitable Giving: Score 3/3
We have a policy to participate in charitable giving to worthy causes within the communities where we are located. Specifically, Studio8 commits to donating a minimum of 3% of its before-tax profits to registered charitable or not-for-profit organizations on an annual basis.
Gender Pay Equity: Score 2/3
Studio8 strives for gender pay scale equity, and our goal is to eliminate systemic bias and discrimination that relates to the under-valuation of work traditionally performed by women and to ensure that women are treated on the same basis with men in terms of compensation for the work they perform. All employees performing the same or similar work or work of equal value will be compensated on the same pay scale.
“In a relatively short time-frame since program launch, the JUST™ Program has garnered worldwide interest and is helping organizations to develop better employee engagement policies and community stewardship practices. The Institute is pleased to announce that Studio8 Architects has now joined the rank of JUST™ Labelled organizations with the distinction of being the first design firm in the State of Texas to earn the JUST™ Label said Francis Janes, JUST™ Program Manager of International Living Future Institute.
See what other organizations are joining the movement to creating a more equitable society, here.